At the end of 2017, OffTEC agreed an increased cooperation with Protecttion, a leading Spanish rescue equipment manufacturer, with regard to providing advice and selling rescue equipment for the wind industry.
The key product of this cooperation is to be Protecttion’s Wind Escapettor, a newly developed one-person descender for rescue. Weighing only a few kilogrammes, this new piece of equipment offers all the possibilities for evacuation and rescue from great heights. OffTEC is with immediate effect the sole training enterprise to be distributing the device in the German market, and will at the same time be the certified training provider of all comprehensive user training for the Wind Escapettor.
The continued expansion of wind turbine installation in Germany and the constant increase in hub heights that goes with it means that the use of one-person descender for rescue has become increasingly necessary. This is also confirmed by numerous companies that are already advised by OffTEC in matters concerning the testing and needs-based selection of their rescue equipment.
Thanks to the partnership with Protecttion, OffTEC is now able to offer its clients a high quality one-person evacuation device that can be tested in the training centre and then obtained directly from OffTEC. Participants in such a user course learn to handle the device safely and confidently.
After the first few trial months the association has already borne the first fruits. Following the training and certification of the safety at height instructors by Protecttion, the first courses in using the descender for rescue were carried out successfully.
The basic user course in evacuation using the Wind Escapettor is thus with immediate effect part of the range of courses provided by OffTEC.